The Good Oil (TGO)

Did you know that one of the major polluters of Malaysian rivers is domestic and commercially used cooking oil being discarded irresponsibly from domestic homes and eateries?
Because of this, the TGO program is dedicated to enhancing community’s knowledge and action towards responsible disposal of used cooking oil. TGO program is dedicated to enchancing the community's knowledge and action towards responsible disposal of used cooking oil.
TGO is supported not only by the Shell Sustainable Development Grant but is also a joint effort with the River of Life (ROL) as well as Klang Learning Education and Action for River (KLEAR).
Community Workshops are approaches we use to provide understanding and knowledge on the negative impact of irresponsible disposal of used cooking oil down sinks and drainage systems. The workshops also provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to repurpose used cooking oil into other more useful products such as handsoap.
The Short term goal of TGO is to reduce the volume of used cooking oil from entering the ecosystem. wheras the long term goal of TGO is to not only provide knowledge and awareness towards the public regarding the wrongful and wasteful disposal of cooking oil, but also to bring awareness towards entrepreneurial potential of repurposing used cooking oil for new innovative products.
Communities that are eligible for The Good Oil Programmes;
- Individuals age 18 or above from B40 communities that reside in the Kerayong River Basin (Cheras, Maluri, South Salak, Iwon River, Old Klang, Pudu, Queen Sri Town and Lake City Park).
- Corporate Employees who are keen to learn this as part of their learning development or volunteerism program.