KnightWatch is EcoKnights®’ media production house that aims to popularize the concept of sustainability and make it easier to understand by creating quality content using effective communication tools and strategic digital media tactics.
Sustainability-related content is crucial in driving public perception and fostering environmental actions among individuals. However, there is an extremely small amount of content that is tailored for our country’s residents’ circumstances and cultures. Hence, the importance of the message often gets lost or misheard, and few are empowered to take action.
Through KnightWatch, EcoKnights® strives to design and deliver thought-provoking content around Climate Change-related issues to inspire individuals, communities, and governments to take action. Under KnightWatch, we offer video and podcast production, copywriting services such as news articles, press releases, proofreading and translation, social media posts and campaigns, website development and more.
Sembang Alam
Poll for Episode 5
Thank you for participating in our live show!
Sembang Alam is a new talk show produced by KnightWatch (a media production house under EcoKnights®), where the guests are permanent and the host rotate and get the chance to unravel the different sides of the speakers who are from different generations and background – as they share their journey, values in life and understanding of sustainability, and more!
In this public poll, we would like to know more about you, our audience for a change!