• Registration No: 1363-10-WKL | PPM-007-10-06032010
  • info@ecoknights.org.my
  • +60323916340
Contact Info
Luqman Avicenna
SusComm Officer

Luqman Avicenna is the current driving force behind the EcoKnights creative department. Luqman has had a long history with EcoKnights, having been converted into a fan of the companies activities and philosophy during his experience with the first-ever EcoKnights ‘Knight of Nature’ camp. When it came time for him to seek a career, he knew what he wanted to do; EcoKnights was the first place that received his resume.

In a bid to secure his internship application, Luqman had showcased an original infographic that he made during his final interview in an effort to impress the HR director.

He based the infographic on an article he found on the EcoKnights Facebook page which he felt didn’t get as much traction as it should have. He proposed adding his own visual touch to the post in the form of an infographic. Seeing potential in his design ability, the EcoKnights team decided to bring him on as a graphic intern.

He learned the ropes of the creative field under Azizul Yusof (the past EcoKnights designer) and assisted him with the collateral for numerous Ecoknights events, including the famous KLEFF (2017). He has had a hand in developing all manner of visual collateral including brochures, posters, social media posts, buntings, banners, and photo walls.

He has had to create collateral for a diverse array of green-topics, from composting and riverine health, all the way to youth empowerment and plastic-free lifestyles. He was made a junior designer in 2018.

Luqman carries the same goal that Azizul carried before him: branding EcoKnights as the thought leader in its niche by producing one-of-a-kind green content and visual materials built around simplicity, elegance, and creativity.



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