• Registration No: 1363-10-WKL | PPM-007-10-06032010
  • info@ecoknights.org.my
  • +60323916340
Contact Info
Dr Yasmin Rasyid
Founder & President

Biologist by profession, environmentalist by passion, Yasmin has 20 years of experience and knowledge in environmental management, community development, and social responsibility in Malaysia. She is also involved in community mobilisation and research-based programs on issues related to sustainability. Yasmin has experiences in organisational and personal development and serves as a mentor for various national programs on entrepreneurship, leadership, sustainability, youth empowerment, women empowerment, and environmental research and human health. Yasmin also provides consultation for business transformation towards sustainability. As a national influencer, Yasmin’s credentials can be easily found online including press coverages and releases. In her spare time, Yasmin indulges in creative projects and activities. She also volunteers regularly for local environmental and social NGOs.

She founded EcoKnights in 2005 with the aim of assisting communities in the areas of sustainable development. She has a B.Sc. in Biology (Marine) and a minor in Contemporary Religion from Duke University, and also a M.Sc. in Biotechnology from University Malaya. Yasmin has worked in the non-profit sector for 20 years having served as a Scientific Officer and subsequently a Communication Officer in WWF-Malaysia between 1997 and 2002, and now leading EcoKnights as its president. She also served as the chairperson of a national coalition, MENGO, for four years from 2012-2017. She was also the head of research and development for Profound Vaccine Sdn Bhd spearheading research and product development for animal vaccines. Yasmin has also been serving as the Chairperson of the Malaysian Duke Alumni Association since 1998.



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