• Registration No: 1363-10-WKL | PPM-007-10-06032010
  • info@ecoknights.org.my
  • +60323916340
Contact Info
Dr Claire Evans
Ocean and Climate Change

Dr Claire Evans is a senior research scientist in biogeochemistry at the National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom. Her mission is to integrate biogeochemical cycles into the larger socioeconomic context, specifically looking at opportunities, trade-offs and threats arising from human interactions with the coastal environment. To accomplish this she employs an interdisciplinary approach, utilizing analytical and autonomous technologies, socio-economic approaches, remote sensing and computational tools to generate data needed to support the sustainable management of natural resources. Dr Evans’ approach is stakeholder-driven and her vision is to realise the benefit of her work by facilitating evidence-based policy making, relevant action and capacity development. (NUOF)Newton-Ungku Omar Fund “Identifying Trade-offs of Changing Land Use for Aquatic Environmental and Socio-economic Health and Facilitating Sustainable Solutions”,



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