23rd April 2020 – There are many ways to cut back your household’s energy use, from simple behavioral adjustments to extensive home improvements. Not only does conserving energy save the environment, but it saves your wallet too! $$$.
Here are six common ways to conserve energy and save electricity in your home:
1. Unplug unused appliances! Electricity is used when an appliance is left plugged into a switched-on socket. If not in use, make sure to switch off all appliances and reduce your energy consumption.
2. Clean your air-conditioning unit. Regularly servicing your air-cond will ensure it runs efficiently. Between 5% and 15% in energy consumption can be saved just by simple servicing (Poptani, 2020). Of course, servicing may not be possible during this movement control order, so why not regularly clean your air-cond filter instead? You’d be surprised how much of a difference that can make. Also, whenever possible, do limit your air-cond usage.
3. Use LED lights as it is 80% more efficient than other lights. LED lights have a heat loss of only 5% and 95% of the energy used is converted into light (Poptani, 2020). Plus, it lasts up to six times longer than traditional lights.
4. Laundry tips: Only do full loads and hang your clothes! Sometimes, the largest culprit of energy consumption is our dryer and the amount of laundry loads we use per week. Drying your clothes under the sun also helps kill bacteria with its natural ultraviolet rays (WebMD, 2019). So why not make full use of the natural dryer in the sky!
5. Renew (very!) old appliances such as refrigerators and televisions. Outdated items consume a lot of electricity. By buying new ones with longer lifespans you save both money and the environment. ALWAYS be sure to check the energy efficiency ratings! Make sure to recycle your old appliances and not send them to the landfill!
6. Grow some plants! Shady landscapes protect your home from direct heat, generate oxygen for fresher air and may also simply prevent you from using your air-cond as your home will feel cooler.
These are the easy steps that you can do at home to save your energy consumption. Cut costs, save the environment and be a hero for our Earth!
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