Impact Market
In this day and age, it is impossible to exist in the modern world without being a consumer. The aim of the Impact Market is not to completely discourage consumption, but to encourage people to be more conscious about their consumption and purchasing choices.
We aim to celebrate and give exposure to businesses that are not only concerned about their bottom-line, but also the effect that bottom-line has on the environment around them. These businesses all try to make the environment or economic situation of their communities better through their sustainable business initiatives and products.
Through Impact Market, we also aim to support localized products and services that do not have a physical store to market themselves and sell their products to a wider mass. In essence, EcoKnights aim to train and equip these businesses with the necessary skills, in order for them to be able to sustain an impact-driven business model.
If your organization is keen to work with us to grow more conscientious entrepreneurs, and improve understanding of sustainable consumerism (SDG12), download our brochure below and get in touch with us.