Category: News
Published: Monday, 17 June 2019 11:50
by Muhammad Hafiz Ardiansyah
10th & 17th of May 2019, Sungai Bunus Retention Pond – EcoKnights successfully assisted participants from Coway Malaysia with a tree planting programme over the course of two weeks. The programme started at 9.00am and ended around 10.45am on both days. After providing breakfast for the participants, the event was started with an introduction to the Sungai Bunus Retention Pond and River of Life programme.
The tree planting began around 10.00am with demonstration on how to plant a tree properly. 10 trees were planted respectively for each day, making it a grand total of 20 trees. After the tree planting, mudball workshop was carried out where the participants were taught on the benefits of mudball and how to make them. Group photos of EcoKnights and Coway Malaysia were taken to conclude the programme.
Any personnel who are interested in being part of such program, workshop or any volunteering program, please follow EcoKnights social media pages to keep up-to-date on the upcoming programs or send an email to
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