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In response to the current Covid-19 crisis, ASEAN Foundation has initiated the ASEAN COVID-19 Active and Robust Response (ASEAN CARES).
Sponsored by 3M, ASEAN CARES is a programme that aims to help at-risk communities with food security and hygiene crises in Malaysia and Thailand with the support of United Way Worldwide and ASEAN Foundation.
EcoKnights as one of the appointed local civil society organization will further drive this programme within Malaysia through the organisation’s Project Bumi: Meet The Needs.

ASEAN CARES will benefit over 5,000 marginalised and vulnerable people in Malaysia and Thailand including families with children, people with disabilities, women headed household, elderlies, refugees, migrants and pregnant and lactating women.
The programme supports at-risk communities by providing food packages, ready-to-use hygiene kits and access to safe and gender appropriate sanitation facilities as well as rolling out region and nationwide awareness campaign about COVID-19.”
Project Bumi: Meet The Needs

Project Bumi: Meet The Needs is a SDG-oriented initiative by EcoKnights as an outreach to communities who are in need for aid, support and access to daily necessities such as clean water, electricity, food and education to name a few.
From November till December 2020, this project supports the implementation of ASEAN CARES by engaging with a few underprivileged communities in Malaysia for the distribution of food and self-hygiene supplies.
How Covid-19 Is Affecting Communities

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an unprecedented global health, humanitarian and socio-economic crisis, and continues to exacerbate the vulnerability of affected communities. Those who already faced the highest risk and degree of socioeconomic marginalization will be the most severely impacted – at-risk women and children, the elderly, adolescents, youths, people with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees, migrants, and minorities.
These families or individuals have lost a source of income due to the outbreak, which deprives them of various basic necessities such as grocery, sanitation supply and even basic healthcare. The lack of access to these necessities is further amplified by the restricted movement and supply shortage in the midst
of the pandemic.

Who Are We Reaching Out To?
The beneficiaries targeted for this project are:
Poor families with children
Indigenous groups
People with disabilities
Single mothers
ASEAN CARES Milestones Progress
Latest News
The project is set to start soon! Stay tuned!