• Registration No: 1363-10-WKL | PPM-007-10-06032010
  • info@ecoknights.org.my
  • +60323916340

School of Sustainability (SOS) Taman Tugu: DIY Sugar Scrub (16th May)

Start time 2020-05-16 10:00
Finished Time 2020-05-16 10:40

School of Sustainability refers to the environmental education-based program for communities as well as the general public. The modules under School of Sustainability seek to increase awareness and encourage more participation and action among individuals to practice small green habits in their daily lives.

Third Edition of SOS Taman Tugu

Workshop: DIY Sugar Scrub

Date: 16th May 2020 (Saturday)

Time: 10am – 10.40am

Venue: Online via Zoom (Link will be shared with confirmed participants)

Register Now!





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