On 20th November, EcoKnights had conducted a Plogathon under the Guardians Against Garbage program, in partnership with Coway Malaysia at the Sungai Bunus Retention Pond. This engagement involved volunteers from Coway for the restoration effort at Sungai Bunus. This plogathon event aims to develop stronger employee engagement in maintaining the cleanliness of public spaces as well as raising awareness about building a sustainable Kuala Lumpur city is everyone’s responsibility.
The plogathon started by a 10-minutes briefing on waste clean-up and safety guidelines followed by a one-hour plogging activity. It was a productive event as the volunteers successfully collected 31.2 kilograms of waste in total. The collected waste consisted of plastic waste, aluminum cans, paper waste and textile waste (clothes) along the walkway. This shows the crucial importance of collective effort to keep the environment clean and that communities can come together to make a life-changing impact to the environment.
For more information about the Guardians Against Garbage Program, visit https://ecoknights.org.my/coway-guardians-against-garbage-program/ If you wish to participate in more plogathon event together with EcoKnights and Coway Malaysia, feel free to contact us at info@ecoknights.org.my.
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